
Urgent Information for Members

This area at the top of the Newsletter page is reserved for urgent information and warnings for our Members.

We have just heard that the car park at Queens Hospital is going to be closed from 20 July to 14 September for essential maintenance work, losing over 1,100 spaces.  It is then due to reopen in stages over 3 weeks. `


For our "scam of the month" page, click this link

Click here for scam of the month

We try to keep up with the more frequent scams going round,  and definitely it could be said

that these come in and out of favour as time goes by.


We are happy to include an edited version of our latest Newsletter here.

It is sometimes necessary to remove names,  contact details, costs

and other details but if you are an existing member of the LEPC you

will already be aware of where you can obtain this missing information.

If you are not a member and think you might be eligible please go to the contacts

page and complete the contact form there.

Also, in the Printed and Email versions of the Newsletter all detail of forthcoming

events and welfare matters is included.  Since there are pages allocated on this website

for both,  there seems to be no need to duplicate this information here as each has its own allocated space.

Our newsletter is sent to all registered members. However, sending it by post is a labour-intensive process.

so we are making an effort to persuade members to take it by way of an attachment to an email instead.

We have managed to increase the number of those who receive their copy this way, but it is still likely

to be fewer than the total number of members who have email accounts.  If you can receive your copy

this way please get in touch via our contact page.  Also, if you are thinking of changing your email address

or have done so recently, do please advise us of this change.


Newsletter Summer 2024

Opening from the Chair

By the time you receive this newsletter summer will be in full swing, so it’s time to throw caution to the wind and join us for a day at the seaside in July with a fish and chip lunch!


As you know our membership is falling,  so your Committee has been trying to think of ways for you to promote your LEPC Club  to your friends and old work colleagues who qualify for membership, and additionally all the new friends you might meet on holidays. We are currently creating a Club card that you can easily fit into your purse or wallet and hope this will make it easier for you to remember our Club details , plus on the reverse you can input your emergency contact details.  It’s not a bad idea to carry  ‘ in case of emergency’  contact details with you in any case, so it could be a “win-win” solution for us all.


Our Treasurer Lynn Smith has asked me to say “when completing cheques PLEASE DO NOT slash your zero’s”     The Banks systems cannot recognise this continental way of writing and it causes Lynn a lot of problems getting the cheques accepted. Thank you.


Some of you have told us that due to there being no sound system at the Upminster Masonic Hall it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to hear us. This being the case we are investigating the possibility of buying  of a karaoke system, or equivalent, to liven up our meetings!    PA systems are very expensive and given the limited size of our meetings (and lunches) this just might be an affordable and viable solution to the problem.  Your Committee members promise NOT to sing to you !!  (If anyone has one they no longer use ???? would they like to donate it?   Well, we can dream)


Our Web Pages are still attracting many visits from abroad and now China is following us. Do you ever look at  ?  ( note from your Ed:-  Virginia is also a top location for visitors.   By coincidence the CIA has its headquarters in Langley, Virginia.  Makes you think ! )


Our chosen Charities for this year, decided by you at the AGM are First Steps, a local charity, and the Macular Society.   So please give generously when you can, thank you.

Also a big thank you to all those who have already increased their subs this year. By you amending your standing order from £1 to £5 per annum, it will reduce the cost of our outings as this is how we use the money. Lynn is happy to receive top up donations if you do not know how to amend a standing order.


If any of you have items or presents you’d like to “recycle” then our raffle organisers Gloria and Peter would be interested to hear from you as this might make the raffle more interesting.


I was considering the possibility of a short break in Potters at Hopton on Sea, but the price (excluding coach) worked out at approx £650 pp  for four days.  I am now researching other holiday options to get us a better (and hopefully cheaper) deal. Please watch this space in the September newsletter when more info will be available to you.

And finally:-

Apologies are due. A couple of spelling mistakes crept into the Spring Newsletter and on (mercifully only a few) of the printed versions some wrong dates were on the response slips.

“Must try harder” is an echo from my distant past!


n.b. As a kid I used to watch The Wizard of Oz and wonder how someone could talk if they didn’t have a brain. Then I got Facebook! 



For Forthcoming events please go to the Events page

For Welfare please go to the Welfare Matters page

Finally, we are all being bombarded with correspondence and email regarding GDPR

regulations, but have to bring this to your attention!

Privacy and Security Statement

On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force. These regulations enhance the existing Data Protection Act (1998) and place a few more requirements on those who collect and process personal data and give more rights to those whose data is being processed.

Personal Data

For Barclays London Eastern Pensioners Club, we only collect and store personal data that is necessary for us to function as a community group, such as name, date of birth, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address.  In addition, we also keep a record of membership subscription payments.

Data Use

The data we collect and process is used solely for the purposes of Barclays London Eastern Pensioners' Club.  We do not share information with any other third party without the consent of the individual concerned.


All records are kept securely and electronic information on password protected PCs.

Your Rights

If you have any queries or wish to see the information we hold on you, please contact our membership secretary, Carol Preston