Welfare Matters

Welfare Matters

This page shows welfare items from the last  Newsletter.   However, other items from past Newsletters might

well still be of interest to our members.  We have therefore included a link to take you to a list of subjects for you to

select and view those items you may wish to re-visit.

Please note that although the list is limited at present we are working on it and hope to expand it shortly.

Click here for Issues from previous Newsletters


 From The Summer 2024 Newsletter

We have become increasingly aware of how lonely and vulnerable newly widowed members can feel.

 So if you have a friend in this position - please do keep in touch with them. This also applies to Carers of someone incapacitated. To be a Carer can be very isolating as they are seldom able to leave the house or feel that they can invite friends to their home.  If they have financial troubles, remember there are other organisations that can help, such as Age UK who have a long reach - as does The Banker Workers Charity. (You can find a link to the Bankers Workers Charity website under Useful Contacts page two on our site – go down a bit)

The Bank Workers Charity phone number is also listed on our web pages. They have experts who know the right button to press to get them the support needed.