Council Tax Discount
From March 2018 Newsletter
Over the next month or so a Council Tax bill will be arriving for a lot of people. Most people will know that if one person lives in a property, a discount can be applied to the tax. What might not be known is that Carers could be disregarded ie., treated as not living in the property, and so the council tax payer could be entitled to a discount. To qualify, Carers must care for at least 35 hours a week and not be the spouse or partner of the person they care for, so a family member, such as a daughter or son, will qualify. Also, you may be able to get council tax reduction under the disability reduction scheme if anyone living at the property is substantially and permanently disabled. In addition, if you are carrying out unpaid Caring duties you may qualify for support from the local authority. Find out by requesting a Carer’s assessment, local authorities have a legal duty to assess any such request. This could provide respite care or funds for equipment to make life easier. Local councils do have their own assessment criteria but an enquiry might well prove profitable.